Friends of
Arboretum Creek

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New - The Updated Headwaters Project Story:

Headwaters Project Update


Construction funding for our Headwaters Project is on the rise! Thank you for all the many individual donations of funds and time.

(If you have not yet experienced the joy of giving, Click Here to help fund a thriving stream full of life!)

A special, Thank You! to the Peach Foundation for their $25,000 grant in 2023. This followed an earlier show of support from the Japanese Garden Society (Thank you!) who directed $20,000 to the Headwaters Project, via the Arboretum Foundation.

These were preceded by two initial construction grants, of $25,000 in 2022. The first was from the Aldarra Foundation, also secured via the Arboretum Foundation. The second was from the Chabot Family Fund. These early commitments have demonstrated critical support as Friends of Arboretum Creek and Seattle Parks and Recreation continue to apply for even larger institutional grants to fill out the construction budget. Thank you, All!

Note: The great bulk of our funding to date has come from King County. Specifically, the King County Flood Control District and King County WaterWorks Council-Allocated funding. These funds, in excess of $700,000, will cover the design expenses for the Headwaters Project. Thank you, King County!

60% Design - In Process:

We are scheduled to reach the 60% design level in 2023. The design should be complete in 2024. We hope for construction to begin in the 2025 to 2026 time frame.

30% Design Completed:

As of July 2022 the engineering team finished the final 30% Design Report for our Headwaters Project. The report contains improved design documents for the required piping, water treatment, and an updated construction estimate. To learn more select one of the links below.

The 30% Design Sketch

The 30% Design Report.pdf

The 30% Design Plans.pdf

Comments and Questions.pdf

Timeline and Funding.pdf